Media Mint Publishing

YA Eco Mysteries, Memoirs, Novels & Travel


Original YA Eco Mysteries and Novels by
Claire Datnow, world traveler and author.
Medical Mysteries by Boris Datnow, pathologist, and
Claire Datnow

Claire Datnow writes environmental novels with themes of mystery, adventure, and environmental action. Her stories interweave science and storytelling to inspire readers to become wise and just stewards of the Earth. If you are like Barbara Kingsolver, Carl Hiaasen, or Sy Montgomery you will enjoy Claire’s stories.

Fiction for Tween and Teen Readers

Red Flag Warning cover green HonorsFluoPillsDc0

The Adventures of The Sizzling Six:
In this Eco Mystery Series, six determined teens plunge into an exciting eco adventure to help save an endangered species. A timely series that inspires today’s teens to take action and to make a difference  These ecological mysteries will engage and entertain environmental sleuths of all ages.

The Lone Tree FluoPillsDc0 Cahaba Lily cover V4 9:20 FluoPillsDc0 Who Kidnepped The Koala FluoPillsDc0

Piping Plover Cover FluoPillsDc0 LT Cover page 9:3 FluoPillsDc0 Book Cover Monarch MysteriesFluoPillsDc0Front cover Red-cocked woodpeckerFluoPillsDc0

Memoirs & Novels

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Screenshot 2014-03-15 10.48.44 FluoPillsDc0 Screenshot 2014-12-14 08.46.41 FluoPillsDc0 The Passionate Traveler Vol 3 FluoPillsDc0 Screen Shot 2015-09-02 at 11.44.36 AMFluoPillsDc0

Non Fiction

The Final Diagnosis GlassRock
What Autopsies Reveal about Life and Death
Boris Datnow MD. & Claire Datnow

Order by email:

Edwin Hubble: Discoverer of Galaxies GlassRockLe8
Claire Datnow.

Also can be purchased from Enslow Publishers Inc.

American Science Fiction and Fantasy WritersGlassRockLe8
Claire Datnow.

Also can be purchased from Enslow Publishers Inc.

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